"With a 3MW  power consumption running HPL, LRZ wanted to limit SuperMUC energy consumption to 2 MW  with minimum performance degradation. We chose EAR software for that purpose and we are fully satisfied that EAR meets our goal and by the quality of professional services that EAS company is delivering".

Dr. Herbert Huber

High Performance Systems Department Head, 

The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ) is the general IT services provider of the Munich universities, one of three national supercomputing centres in Germany, and one of the tier-0 European supercomputing centre. LRZ is a leader in energy efficiency. It operated since 2012 three liquid cooled SuperMUC supercomputers, current one being  SuperMUC_NG a cluster of 6480 Intel servers cluster of 2.8 MWatt and 27 Petaflop providing one of the most powerful and energy efficient high-performance computing infrastructure in Europe.

EAR is operational since August 2019 on SuperMUC-NG.