European Projects

DYMAN: DYnamically MANaged self-cooling HPC Data Centers

DYMAN targets the development of a completely new design of adsorption chillers based on the following innovation:

On top of these new adsorption chillers, DYMAN targets to dynamically manage with EAR the cooling devices with the servers and the workloads running on them to find the optimum energy efficiency  for the system as a whole and therefore the data center.

DYMAN is funded by Programme EIC Pathfinder Challenge Clean and Efficient Cooling 2023 (HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01)  under the project number 101161930. 

"EAS is proud to be a partner of DYMAN to manage with the cooling devices and the servers in a dynamic way to deliver higher enegry efficiency solutions to the Data Center"


Luigi Brochard, C.E.O, Energy Aware Solutions

ODISSEE: Online Data Intensive Solutions for Science in the Exabytes Era

ODISSEE federates efforts from 3 pan-European ESFRI infrastructures (HL-LHC, SKAO and SLICES-RI) in physical sciences, Big Data, and in the computing continuum supporting flagship instruments that will maintain and strengthen European leadership in high-energy physics and astronomy.

The main goal is to enable key science projects, with the search for Dark Matter serving as a pilot program, combining the complementary capabilities of these three unique research infrastructures. ODISSEE will deliver evolutionary and revolutionary hardware and software platforms to address the corresponding digital challenges in a highly competitive international context.

Bringing these 3 infrastructures to their full capacity, as well as operating and maintaining them, pose similar grand challenges across the digital continuum and require addressing the 3 dimensions of sustainability.

Co-design and close partnership of academia with European companies will foster competitiveness of European industry and promote digital sovereignty.

ODISSEE is funded by Programme HORIZON-INFRA-2024-TECH-01-01, R&D for the next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, solutions for RI upgrade,  under the project number 101188332. 

"EAS is proud to be a partner of ODISSEE to increase the sustainability of these 3 pan-European ESFRI infrastructures”

Julita Corbalan - C.T.O. , EAS